
 The editorial board of the journal will accept the articles submitted by the authors for review if the article meets the requirements of the journal. Also, the editorial board reserves the right to refuse to publish the article and not to send it to the reviewer.

Articles received for publication in the editorial office are sent to the reviewer. The identity of the reviewers is anonymous both in case of publication of the article and non-publication.

The article is checked by the anti-plagiarism program.

To be published in a journal, authors must submit only new and previously unpublished scientific papers. The author(s) will be able to publish only one article in one issue of the journal. Both the electronic (on a disc) and the printed versions of the article with the signature of the author (s) at the end of the text should be presented in the editorial office.

The article should be accompanied by: in Georgian - an abstract, which will emphasize the main scientific novelty of the paper (not more than 100 words), key words (3-5 words); In English: abstract, keywords and extended synopsis, not less than 50% of the main text.

It is also possible to publish a foreign language article in the journal. In such a case, an abstract (not more than 100 words), keywords (3-5 words) and an extended synopsis of at least 50% of the main text in Georgian must be attached. A non-English language article should also be accompanied by an abstract in English (not less than 1000 words).

An English-language synopsis of articles submitted for publication shall be approved by the English-language text editor of the journal.

If the paper is funded by a grant project, the relevant grant details must be indicated at the end of the article.

Prior to the publication of the journal, the author (authors) is obliged to read the final text of his/her work ready for the publication and sign his/her consent for its publication. In the presence of drawings, tables, diagrams, formulas and other specific elements in the text, the author should check the correctness and accuracy of their placement. Complaints of the authors regarding the above will not be considered after the publication of the journal. The responsibility for the scientific, linguistic and stylistic aspects of the article rests with the author (s).

Materials to be published shall be submitted to the editor-in-chief of the journal or the executive secretary.